My full name is Devi Safitri. The people closest to me sometimes call me Devi, Epi, Pide, or Depoy, but rarely called dear.
I am a hardworking type.
To be honest, despite living in Indonesia, but originally I am a westerner. Yes .. because I come from West Sulawesi (LOL) precisely in Polewali Mandar Regency. If you know the area, you must be able to guess my tribe. I am a mandaress, but combining a bugis tribe from my big boss.
Currently, my busyness drains my parents money to finish college S1 at one of Islamic universities in Makassar, UIN Alauddin Makassar.
Usually if the introduction, the thing they often mention is a hobby. Why? who knows there are the same hobby, we can share each other. Well, my hobby is reading mystery and horror novels in Wattpad app. If we have similarity, we can greet each other via Facebook Devi Safitri.
Thank you for the time to read the introduction of the editor of this blog. 😉
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