Summary of I La Galigo

        Nothing wrong if the world's longest literary work, I La Galigo became world heritage by UNESCO and awarded the Memory of the World (MOW) in 2011. Looking at the story line so detailed, it can deliver the reader as if it were in the story.
If you are curious about the legend story from South Sulawesi, please read thesummary story of I La Galigo below.
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Six series of I La Galigo's book

One day in Bottillangi, king Dato Patotoe and his wife wanted to lower one of his descant to the earth so that his son would worship and to him. For knowing who was right would be purified to the earth, he then ordered some royal apparatus to spread invitations to all kings in the country to come to Bottillangi to met Dato Patotoe engangement. The day of engagement, all the king dealt that Batara Guru was going to be sent down to the earth, when on earth he would be paired with his cousin called Kami Nyiliktimo, son of Sinaung Toja the ruler of the sea.
After Batara Guru live with his parents, he was sent to the earth and ordered to regard him as a god and he was just an ordinary human being. The sadness also came to Batara Guru who had lift his parents. He would live with his parents that would accompany him to combine. But he must seek his queen in the ocean. Batara Guru began to found Nyiliktimo. The first time they met, Batara Guru was amazed by her cousin's beauty.
Held the ceremony of Kahiyang to hold their wedding ceremony, which later their descant would be a straightforward king on earth. After marriage, all the concubines of Batara Guru took turns pregnant and gave birth to their children. Batara Guru was getting restless because the queen had not been pregnant. Finally, Batara Guru went to Bottilangi and asked the gods to given him descant.
Shortly after, We Nyiliktimo was pregnant a son. At this time, she wanted a lot of food and fruits that were hard to get, but the Batara Guru keep his wife's wishes with the help of the royal caregivers. The queen's stomach was getting bigger, so he called all the best shaman who would massage the empress and wait for the baby of the crown prince. A few weeks later, We Nyiliktimo's stomach began to hurt, and laid her in the place provided by the royal shamans. Excite the queen pushing, but the birth of the crown prince was not easy. We felt so painful already. But the baby had not come out yet. Eventually many kings and people who vowed for the birth of the king could be done well and survived. After that, finally his son was born.
After the birth of the future king, the ceremonial ceremony was performed with great merriment, the king and the empress were also very happy about the presence of their son. After several months of his birth, he was given the name Batara Lattuk whose would match with a princess in Tompo Tikka area of ​​pure noble blood and would bear a beautiful and handsome descendants.
While in other places, namely Tompo Tikka, the king and queen intend to hold a great ceremony and invited all the kingdom around ​​him. By the time the day, a hundreds of different meals had been served to all the guests. For the long time, the king began to get restless because the guests had arrived yet. After that the King La Urumpessi told his men to found out the pier and the estuary of their guests. After his men went there, they founf that none of the invitations would come to Tompo Tikka. Hearing the news the King was angry and destroyed all the dishes that have been prepared. The queen then ordered her attendants to go to the dock to take taxes, but the taxes had been taken by her brother by itself, We Tenrijellok. The queen and her brother were fighting each other and bickering. Then, We Oddampero had been down from Bottillangi to see the situation in Tompo Tikka. When he arrived, he was very sad and returned to the sky to tell his sorrow to the god.
God was also willing to kill one of them so they  not frighted anymore. Then, diseases came down to We Padauleng. Both his daughters were very sad to see his mother lying sick. Various shamans had been imported so that the queen can recover from her illness, but it did not end up happening. After all the treatment was done, finally the queen died, and the king also died. They left their daughters as orphans. Their nanny host was very sad to see her orphaned employer. They went into the jungle with no food. The abandoned Inangda was very sad because his employer disappears, but he remained convinced that both would return to the kingdom.
After, a month away from the kingdom they both returned to the palace to met the inangda. How glad Inangda to see the two orphans came back. She cooked both meals from the work of the host as long as they left. Both sisters promised each other that they would always be together.
Then in Toddatoja, Batara Lattuk has grown up, he immediately found his soul mate who was in Tompo Tikka. He also asked permission from his father and mother to let him go sailing to Timpo Tikka. Sail the king Batara Lattuk for months with his guards. Lots of areas that have passed, but he had not reached the destination. When he wanted to continue his journey, suddenly appeared a crocodile that showed Tompo Tikka wine to the king. Finally, the king began to continue his journey back to Tompo Tikka. Once there, he only saw damaged buildings and skinny people.
We Adi Luwuk and We Datu Sengngeng who saw there was a golden boat arrived in the area they were convinced that it was a match to be sent to them. The king was allowed to stay in their place. Inangda again explained to the king lament their master. The king was very sorry to see the two brothers. Batara Lattuk also expressed his intention to come to Tompo Tikka to propose one of them. The older sister said that my father had a would I should not get married before my sister got married. So my sister would be propose by the king. Hearing the words of his sister, the younger brother was very sad because it would part with his brother. Inangda nanny was also sad when who received his sister's proposal was not their parents.
Batara Lattuk and We Datu Sengngeng finally held their marriage in the renovated Tompo Tikka kingdom and returned to be a magnificent and beautiful palace. At the time of the marriage process of the two, their blood was united which represents that they are true descendants of the pure nobleman of Bottillangi. Both had also become legitimate husband and wife.
After their second marriage to Bottillangi, Batara Lattuk's cousin in the heavens also wanted to marry the noble princar princillarch of Bottillangi. I La Jiriwu finally descended from the sky to Tompo Tikka to apply We Adi Luwuk. And who received the proposal I La Jiriwu was Batara Guru. Then marry both and live happily in Tompo Tikka.
While their happiness was at their peak, they heard that their aunt Tenrijellok was seriously ill. But the news was not responded anything of them. Shortly after the news came, the aunt died with her husband. Then took off both to join in mourning the death of their uncle and aunt. Once there, they took all the treasures and things that once pana and bibayang took when their father and mother died.
Both went back to Tompo Tikka. Upon arrival, Batara Lattuk conveyed to his wife that they must go to Toddatoja soon to met their father and mother-in-law. Hearing the news, the empress was very sad to be separated from her sister. Before they parted, they shared the treasures of their father and mother, each getting half. They went to Toddatoja, after arriving there they were greeted with a boisterous ceremony.
We Datu Sengngeng was initially still not familiar with his father-in-law, but over time they could become familiar. One night when they were caught in the room, We Datu Sengngeng dreamed of giving birth to golden twins, boys and girls. The next day he told her husband. Then Batara Lattuk also conveyed to her father and mother. Hearing the news, his father confirmed his son-in-law's dream. Later Datu Sengngeng would be blessed with beautiful and handsome twins.

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Illustration figure of  I La Galigo's story

Depart Batara Guru to the heavens met the gods asking for the dream. Dato Patotoe justify the dream, the son-in-law would be given twins, one male and one female, the men would be named Sawerigading and the women would be named We Tenriabeng. Sawerigading would settle on earth replacing his father as king and would marry Chinese nobility, then Tanriabeng would be appointed to Bottillangi. Both must be separated at birth, because the beauty of Tenriabeng should not be seen by Sawerigading, because later if they fall in love and married then fin washed off Dato Patotoe descendants on earth and would no more again the inhabitants of the earth and no one would worship him.
After listening to the god's advice, Batara Guru returned to earth, and when her daughter-in-law had started craving. Datu Sengngeng wants a lot of fruits that cannot be found by ordinary people. Finally, Batara Lattuk was the one who went alone to look for the fruits for his wife.
After taking the fruits was brought by Lattuk's bat, he was dwassatwasfied, he also wanted to see the washerman catch the swash passing under Manurungnge's palace, the giant Wellu Walume , and see the shell of the Java market anchored in front of the palace. The request was granted Dewi Maoro, I Sang Iyang.
Entering the age of seven months the content of his wife, Batara Lattuk ordered to massage his wife's stomach with the ceremony Sang Hiyang People Bottilangi. On a lonely night, when she was fifteen months old, her stomach began to hurt. It was time for We Datu Sengngeng to give birth to her twin sons. For 5 days she had to hold the pain because the two children in his stomach are hard to remove. But in the daytime when the weather suddenly turns dark, Sawerigading was born only then We Tenriabeng.
As the twins' twenties grew, We Nyeliktimo the baby's grandmother felt it was time for her twin grandson to be rawased into a golden swing with a grand ceremonial procedure of Toddattoja's golden swing by Puang Ri Warek.
As Sawerigading and We Tenriabeng were five years old, Batar Guru dreamed of seeing himself ascending to Bottilangi. The dream became a sign that he has to returned to Bottilangi with his wife and other followers on the orders of Dato Patotoe, the father of Batara Guru. We Nyeliktimo and Batara Lattuk felt very sad for their departure.
Ten year later, hearing of Sawerigading and his cousins ​​cheering and laughing out of Bottilangi, Datu then sent a golden letter to his grandson Batara Lattuk to send his son cousin to Bottilangi. Batara Lattuk also delivered a message from his father to Sawerigading. Sawerigading finally went to Bottilangi accompanied by la Pananrangan, La Sinilele, and La Massaguni. Arriving at Bottilangi, they met with Datu Pattotoe. Datu Patotoe offers Sawerigading as king in Rualette and was mated with his cousin, Tanratellue. The offer was rejected by Sawerigading because he was more concerned about his parents on earth. During 3 months of his life in Bottilangi, Sawerigading and his cousin sought permwassion to return to Manurungnge's palace. Arriving at the palace, Batara Lattuk and his wife vowed to hold a big party on her son's return. It was at the party that Sawerigading met with We Panangarang. He fell in love with that one-time cousin and wanted to marry her. Both parents agreed to Sawerigading's wwashes. The wedding was held at the king's palace in Luwuk according to customs rules. The faces of the bride and groom were joyous.
After, his wedding, his mother's father Sawerigading facing his desire to forge his own cousin if both are approved, We Saweyase. The marriage was held like her marriage to We Panangngarang. Day after day was spent with beauty.
One day, Sawerigading asked permission from both parents to sail to the other country to pawn. Batara Lattuk was very happy to hear his son's wishes. I blessed his son's wishes, but he must be accompanied by his cousin. Sawerigading sailed through the lands where ten of his uncles came to power. At that moment, Battal Lattuk conferred with his brothers to hold a tappujuru ceremony for We Tenriabeng. That's when it was the right thing to do, considering the mandate of Sri Paduka Manurungnge Batara Guru who forbade Sawerigading to met his twin sister. After sailing, sawerigading back to Aleluwuk. Batara Lattuk's siblings reminded him of the circumstances of We Tenriabeng who had stepped on adulthood but had not been married terupy tuppu. They took the initiative to send Sawerigading attend the tattooing greatness in Maloku that the ceremony Tuppu juruk We Tenriabeng be implemented.
In the way to Maloku, Sawerigading made use to Tompo Tikka to visit her aunt, We Andi Luwuk who was hit by grief because of her La Tenrirawe exiled because his twin brother, Pallawagauk loved him and wanted to marry her sister was but nobody agrees because it would cause havoc disastrous if they married. After seven days, Sawerigading and others left Tompo Tikka country then stopped at Wadeng pier. There Sawerigading met La Tenrirawe who was the only wife of La Tenripeppang, the ruler of Wadeng. But he did not have time to land Wadeng because they must hurry to Maloku.
After wading, through the oceans and passing through several lands, it appeared from a distance across the ocean of the same country they want to go. There they were greeted by To Appamadeng, Sawerigading's cousin. Marajah La Maddaremeng ceremony was attended by invited guests from East Java, West Java, Saddeng top, bottom Saddeng, Sunra East and west Sunra. Among the guests who came, Sawerigading interested in I La Galigo who became his partner in the cockfight arena. When the cock of I Lagaligo triumphed, he danced his ardor making him almost touch the tip of the king's scabbard of the king of Maloku. In Sawerigading's heart happy to see the behavior of I Lagaligo. He hoped that when he had a son he would give him the name I Lagaligo to have the same character with I Lagaligo of Kelling.
After attending the ceremony at Maloku, La Maddaremmeng recovered bringing Sawerigading (sister La Maddaremmeng) around the sail. Using a golden shell (a kind of boat or something on a boat) accompanied by a sound by Sang Hiyang (who accompanied the ceremony) I da Muttia (who sailed to Sama to wait for Sawerigading after ten nights of sailing) To Alapua (who wwashes the ordinances of the king of Sawerigading was ready after all returned)
2 months of sailing finally, they arrived at the East Sunra (See La Taufari's Throne to Tatapari and We Tammalewa I Da Teppinra, cousin Sawerigading). The couples ignored all the invitation of his actor to welcome sawerigading including the invitation of La Tenroaji (king Malatunrung in Aleuwuk).
Arrived at the Sawerigading palace sitting at Peterana (seat reserved for sawerigading in the Sunra East kingdom). Then served food and eat with Oro-sada (Sawerigading dinnerware in the Sunra East kingdom).
La Pananrang and La Sinilele (who wanted to fulfill their cousin's wwashes to stay in East Sunra for 3 years) and finally stayed but stayed for only 3 months and enjoyed the privileges of the place. Like seeing people each sharpening Taji, installing Gajung and soar and then climbed onto the stage of shabu.
3 months sailing and finally arrived in the country of Kelling (Land of I Lagaligo). They did not stop there because of the king was slavery with his words that could not be set.
5 months sailing and finally arrived in Tesslilu country (the kingdom of La Rumpammegga and Tenripamarang). They were very well welcomed and asked to stay for 3 months sailing again for 2 months and ancored the shells in Mattowanging saw La Mappuli on the dock. Also welcomed and stayed for 3 months at To Wellu-wellu (La Mappuli Palace) five months sailing they stop docking in Ternate (State of power Datu Mawale) and stay for 3 months
 Three months sailed again and dwascovered Asobureng Pallojange mountain and magga honey tree. Because of the privilege of pohion magga called honey, storms and strong winds came drowned some of the Sawerigading escort ship. Knowing that Sawerigading was a descendant of Heaven, Linrungritoja (ruler of the sea) gives Javanese walnut, a treasure that we could not take by We Nyiliktimo (Sawerigading grandmother)
3 months sailing finally arrived at Marapettang (La Wajolangi State whose palace in Alesunra). Also scared by Satan's hunters, Peresola, Towalebboreng Pulangkali, and hunting dogs (they are the mainstay of La Wajolangi) with big storms as well. Then Sawerigading asked Sawipauba (who burned incense to drive out the Hunter Satan and Peresola).
After realizing that who came was Sawerigading and invited to the palace, served rice and comedy that makes them dwasgusted. It was not to be eaten just to be shown. Then I We Rasia (wife of La Wajolangi) gave betel to Sawerigading. Many peculiarities in Marapettang include tree root facing
Place of bathing La Wajolangi there was a water-confused that when sprinkled would be able to see Tenrilinrungeng (beautiful woman who so conversation). Finally, Sawerigading and his cousin (La Sinilele and La Pananrang) were perceptive and could see the woman in Padariya (the place where the inhabitants of all ghosts).
At the time of the golden sights Sawerigading saw We Pinrakati (a very beautiful girl made Sawerigading unconscious because of her beauty She was the only daughter of her parents who died of stomachache). Then La Jawolangi taken the three of them to Maje, where the prosperous people of Padaria. A few moments later We Pinrakati climbed to the palace pole which was greeted by Sugirira and sat beside Sujiriara. Then he told stories about how he pockets and eventually could be crossed because of sawerigading who asked to let him to I La Baruna.
Before We Pinrakati parted ways with sawerigading, they exchanged nails then We Pinrakati, Sugirira and Guttupatolo (possibly guard crossing gate) ushered Sawerigading up to Titian crossings. And finally they splited up We Pinrakati was very sad because of her love that cannot be owned, although died because of their spirits were different. Then Sawerigading and his cousin are returned to restore their king spirit. After that they sailed back and said goodbye to La Wajolangi
After 3 months of sailing leave Marapettang. Sawerigading back to Sama. La Maddaremmeng asked Toappamadeng to tell his sister's queen that they had come. They were greeted at the palace of La Maddaremeng with a palace full of ornaments. They had been served a lot of food. After eating Sawerigading asked La Malapua to found a beautiful wife.
They then conveyed their intention to be based in Kalling, guarding the central screen of the palace, and inserting Manurungnge umbrella in the Wellericina (applying) cubicle. But I Lagaligo said to his son was very small for a Sawerigading. But they said that it was up to ensure that they were approved and would get married at the age of the child I lagaligo was appropriate.
To Tenriwalek and his wife were very grateful to Sawerigading because by marrying Wellericina could rise royal dignity. I Lagaligo also hopes his son long life to be under the umbrella Manurungnge (ivory sawep wife). Finally, they agreed.
They said goodbye and after arriving at the same they told the whole incident that happened in kalling. All the words I lagaligo and overflow of happiness. To Palannareng and To Sulolipu (Sawerigading's cousin's brother) said that the anatomy of I lagaligo would be as beautiful as Tanratellue in Bottilangi (khayangan) and Senrimawero in Rualette.
After hearing the good news of kalling, then sawerigading planned to go to Luwuk because it felt leach with his mother who was there. But before La Maddaremmeng took off the vows of Sawerigading return from the unseen nature first. The next day Sawerigading departed accompanied by his cousin La rumpamegga, La saullangi and La Mappapuli. Saweri ivory message to mother I Mallapua, if I mallapua already big he would take him to Luwuk and found him a mate and all dowels borne by him. Travel started.
After three months of sailing they were increasingly approaching Luwuk's land of three cousins ​​Sawerigading begging goodbye to return to their respective countries because it had long since left his country. They also split up to go to their respective countries. Finally the sound of the rifle by the lattuk batara, and the echoing drum indicating that Manurungnge's golden shell was near. We Tenriabeng got up from his sleep and went into the palace. Puang matoa and Puang ri warek was invited to decorate the palace. While We Opu Sengngeng was busy ordering food preparation.
The next day Sawerigading, La Pananrang, and La Sinilele were welcomed by La Pangorwaseng, followed by Puang Matoa at the pier. He was very proud to see his nephew had changed by using clothes of the same and using the Maloku language. They arrived at the palace, greeted by his father and his beloved mother. Then enter in the palace enjoying the food with the drum accompaniment Manurung and Gong gold. After eating the wives came near Sawerigading like We Panangngareng and the wives of Malimpo.
We Datu sangngeng and Batara lattuk mengahmpiri his son and told him about his life. The story was very interesting to make his father and mother proud. Plus his son who was wwase.
The next day Sawerigading with his two cousins ​​went to galanggang and ascended to mahligai. Until the sunset they continued there doing savings events. Arriving at sunset they returned to their respective palaces and sawerigading by themselves back to Saoloci's palace to met his wife We Panangngareng.
After spending the night with We Panangngareng, the next day he left her in exchange for a loss. Then proceed to Saolebbi's palace where We Sawease lived, then they visited We Pinamile, Then, they visited We Pattaungeng, and continued to see We Bulutana. Sawerigading visited one by one his wife to spend her lovely evening.
Three years back from Sawergading sailing, he became more intimate with his wife Panangngareng. He took his wife around to see the land she had visited 3 years ago using an eagle named Manurungnge bird. The bird could be seen by others because of the incantation. Likewwase with sawerigading and his wife who wore his outfit from Bottilangi and decorate the Ruallette man's style could be seen because it impersonates him with Betel Baba Sikujutau. They fly to Tompo Tikka. Visited his uncle, aunt and cousin for three nights. Then went home and did not forget to go to Malatunrung, Sama, East Sunra, Kelling, Tessililu, and Ternate. They enjoyed the journey. They suddenly appearance and disappearance without their golden shells left the people who were confused and thought that Sawerigading was the god of Bottilangi.
Their unnoticed departure left Aleluwuk's people like La pananrang, la Sinilele, We Terigiling, La Pangorwaseng, and his father and Sawerigading mother felt fearful, anxious, and sad. He thought they both dissappeared. They kept searching but not found. The arena of cockfighting was also less lonely with the absence of Sawerigading. While Sawerigading and his wife still enjoyed the trip to Singkewero where Batara Guru and We Nyelektimo. After from Singkewero, they returned to Luwuk and arrived safely. How happy the people in the sun see sawerigading and his wife coming back. Especially father and mother Sawerigading. They told him where he was walking and spent time together.
Meanwhile in Tompo Tikka, We Adiluwuk and I La Jiriwu wanted to improve the graves of both parents. And invites kings under the heavens. To Anjalika and To Rutumpongeng went to Luwuk to call we Opu Sengngeng. All invites received well. Representatives from each country came to Tompo Tikka. Sawerigading parents could not attend because the king's empress suddenly became ill. So that, it went that Sawerigading and some members of his family with guards mainstay. In Tompo Tikka the guests were welcomed. After all was present, the funeral improvements began. In the midst of repair, thundering thunder and lightning and lightning came suddenly. The repair process continues to move and when the weather finwashes back to normal. Then, was surrounded by pure gold and gold samples.
After a few days people from other countries began to return except La Saullangi, La Maddaremmeng, and La Tenripeppeng caused Sawerigading had not come home yet. They enjoyed being together. At that moment Sawerigading mocks Pallawagauk's folly who fell in love with his own twin. But pallawagauk continue to defend himself that indeed his twin sister was very beautiful, she who saw it would fall in love. Pallawagauk continued to defend himself until he unconsciously told Sawerigading that if he saw his sister too he would fall in love anyway. However, Sawerigading denied because he felt no brother. That's when the big secret that has been hidden was revealed. Pallawagauk told that Sawerigading had a twin that has been hidden because they could look at each other because fear would fell in love. Heard it Sawerigading silent wordless.
Sawerigading began ordering La Maddaremmeng to sail to Kelling to deliver his marriage news. Hearing that, To Alapua put on the sad news that the daughter of I La Galigo had died a few years ago. Sawerigading was so devastated that he did not saddle himself. Long unconscious, he woke up and felt very hurt. Sawerigading planned to sail to where the spirits to found Wellericina. The Sawerigading officers requested permission to be included to the place because of curiosity. They also go quietly so as not to be caught by Sri Paduka king and queen.
On the way, they were hit by storms, thunder and lightning and lightning bolts that repelled paba bajenggi. But because it had done the ceremony of the storm rage and then gone and the weather back to normal. There was a rumor that the golden shell on which La Massaguni Toappemanunk was lying drowned. Sawerigading very sad. But suddenly, from a distance looks golden shell and it turns out there was La Massaguni in the shell. Sawerigading was very happy that he and some of his troops met again. They were reunited. Because they were so tired they fell asleep until they did not realize that they were swept up to Positana. After awakening they enjoyed the beauty of the place to bathe in a fragrant river of water.
After enjoying the fun, they went back up to their respective shells. At that time the megga, Rajengrisanre, saw them all from a distance. He also told his brother Rukelleng. The residents of the palace wondered who they really were. Batara woke her husband and reported it. Batara wero, Lettewarani, finally woke up and wrath with Sawerigading forces because his speech same with I Lapatoto and Datu Palinge. Seeing his king's anger, La Sinrampero suggested that the seawater was drained so that all residents could join in the fight. Batara wero then bring a storm with his material and made the sea water to dry. Pallawagauk continues to fight but would not succeed. Finally, Sawerigading was woken up and he fought back by doing the rituals until the atmosphere was safely under control.
Batara Wero sent La Remmang-Remmang and La Sinrampero to investigate the owner of the golden shell. Then they came to him and dealing with To Palennareng. To Palennareng explained well but the messenger Batara Wero continued to heat the atmosphere until there was a big battle. They are opposed to each other until there are casualties. Blood flows everywhere, causing a fishy smell. Toappareppak finally managed to escape and report his defeat to his king. Hearing the cabin, Batara Wero ordered Towidelangi to wave the banner of war. La Tuppulangi king of Peresola hunters joined the war but was driven away by incense burned by sawipaubak. They also fought the massive La Massaguni dealing with La Massamudda, La Tenripeppeng with La Tenritippe, La Maddaremmeng with Ajipatoto, La Saullangi with La Palaguna, and La Rumpammegga with La Mallagenni. At last La Massamudda died at the hands of La Massaguni and his troops also fell one by one.
Seeing the situation, Batara Wero called out to Datu Patoto. Then dato Patoto watches his descendants fighting each other and finally sends his golden letters saying that the offspring are his own grandchildren. He also regretted his actions as well as with sawerigading who had battled La sadawero younger brother of his grandfather Batara Guru.
Sawerigading cousin greeted on the dock by Lettewarani, Sangiampajung, Balasanriwu, and Rukellempoba. They apologized and acknowledged their actions and they made peace. Hikma the Sawerigading get from this battle was her meting with Manurungnge's grandfather. Before leaving Possitana grandparent sawerigading advise that in his trip stop in Labutikka Dettiapajung state of power in the hope Sawerigading could fix the condition there because it has a king who was arrogant.
Sawerigading and his entourage continued their journey and finally arrived at Labutikka. They approached the kingdom Dettiapajung then challenged Dettiapajung chicken to fought with his chicken. After a lively conversation, Dettiapajung agreed to Sawerigading's request. His chicken pitted and finally Chicken Dattiapajung dead unbeaten. Because it did not accept. Dattiapajung did wars but he also lost until he was frightened and ran into hiding in the forest. The next day Dattiapajung came out of hiding and went back to the wives and children he had left yesterday and apologized and regretted his actions. He has realized who he really was. After forgiven Dattiapajung also apologized to Sawerigading and its members. After uttering the word of forgiveness and the oaths of all the possessions that Sawerigading sita was returned in the hope of being led better.
Sawerigading then continued his journey until it was not felt finally arrived at Marapettang. From a distance they were seen by La wajolangi. La wajolangi directly up to the shell Sawerigading and Sawerigading lets him sit around. Then ask the Wellericina ghost. He said Lebbi big Opu has handed him the dowry to be a wife in the afterlife. But then La Wajolangi suggested to Sawerigading to take Wallericina from Lebbi Opu. Sawerigadingpun wants to see Wellericina soon and leave La Wajolangi. Sailing for seven nights they finally approached Atipuseng where the spirits gathered. Then met the Wellericina nanny who was bathing with his servants. They kept flirting but the waiters did not care because they were more afraid of the big Opu. ToKecewa also ordered the maids to wear their clothes because the great Opu had returned to Pammaserang.
Sawerigading wants to send troops to come to the palace Daeng Lebbiuntuk ask Wellericina (spirits Sawerigading future wife) and bring it back to Sawerigading. Since no troops dared to do so La Pananrang, Wellericina and La Massaguni requested that the three cousins were allowed to go with their escorts. After walking through the valley and the village, toward midday they reached Waliala, Saodenra palace residence ruler Pammasareng Lebbi Daeng (the spirits of nature). The three kings of the Sawerigading messengers introduced themselves to Daeng Lebbi and presented the intent and purpose of their arrival. Ie wanted to ask Wellericina to be brought back to Sawerigading which was also the wife of Daeng Lebbi. Daeng Lebbi angry and did not want his wife given so there was war between them that left La Pananrang and Jemmuricina died beheaded by Daeng Lebbi and La Massaguni wounded. Toappemanuk awoke and rose from the pile of corpses and walked towards the estuary then Toappemanuk ordered the hulubalang to deliver the incident to Sawerigading. La Massaguni and La Sinilele took Sawerigading to Pammasareng to search for the bodies of La Pananrang and Jemmurica. The two bodies were finally found in the dense forest paba bajenggi and figs, all usungpun lowered. Sawerigading then ordered We Apallangi Puang ri Luwuk and I We Salarangeng Puang ri Warek to follow the nobility of his two cousins. They performed a ritual that they believed could revive the two cousins ​​and it succeeded in reviving La Pananrang and Jemmicina. After that they decided to go again to where Daeng Lebbi for revenge and another to pick up Wellericina. The great battles occurred against the souls that involve the entire empire under Luwuk. Bloody bloodshed ensued and the falling casualties that made Daeng Lebbi was also defeated by Sawerigading cousin.
Sawerigading immediately searches for Wellericina. After meting, they also release their longing with a happy tears. Sawerigading promwased to bring Wellericina home to reunite with his parents and make him the sole ruler of the lette manurung palace. La Tenripeppeng and Pallawagauk were amazed at the beauty of Wellericina. However, it was only the Wellericina spirit that can no longer be brought back to the world and with a heavy heart Sawerigading shed Wellericina to stay at Pammasareng. Accompanied by the tears of Sawerigading and his companions sailed leaving Pammasareng and Wellericina. Puang Matoa and bissu had gathered on the dock with children said to welcome Sawerigading cousins ​​and his troops then they were ceremonied because they had just returned from the spirits.
At that time, also heard the message of Sakuruwira ruler Bottilangi to send La Wajolagi attacked Pammasareng and divorce Wellericina with Daeng Lebbi due to his arrogance and then married Wellericina with I La Sinampe so Wellericina can stay in Pammasareng and govern the country in Alamaje while Daeng Lebbi used as a commoner.
Sawerigading and his three cousins ​​continued his voyage for 7 months Westward. They anchored the land of Telettusompa which was the land where his grandparents are. They were joined very joyfully by his grandparents. The three joyous kings immediately went up to the palace and enjoyed the dishes that had been provided. The next day, Sawerigading cousins ​​once begged permission to his grandfather to continue the journey. Her grandparents were very heavy to take off the departure of his grandchildren for the king and queen wanted Sawerigading to be a successor to the kingdom because they did not have children who could replace him. They sailed from Wirillangi to the land of Kelling.
Sawerigading sent Panritaugi to convey to I La Galigo king Kelling to tell about their departure to Pammaserang. After, Panritaugi sailed to Kelling the cavalcade of La Pangorwaseng brothers (Uncle Sawerigading) who was delighted to see the arrival of his nephew.
When their shelled approached Tompo Tikka, Pallawagauk and La Tenripeppeng soon begged to go to Tompo Tikka. Sawerigading off to his two cousins ​​after that La Tenripeppeng back to Wadeng. La Maddaremmeng brothers reminded by Sawerigading to return to his country. Depart the royal apparatus who would return to their land with their respective shelled.
After 10 days of sailing, Sawerigading arrived at Aleluwuk. Batara Lattuk and We Opusengngeng are constantly weeping. They did not expect the only son of the heir apparent umbrella manurenge to sail to Pammasareng. Batara Lattuk and his queen were very happy to hear his son's story about whoever the royal apparatus accompanied him.
La Pananrang and La Sinilele proclaimed that all shipments from manurenge in Positana and Telettussompa in Wirillangi were immediately descended from the wangkang. Batara Lattuk and his queen lwastened to their experience story for 7 days in Positana. Nothing was forgotten and he did not tell. After satwasfying the story of the experience of his son and his nephews, Batara Lattuk ordered La Pangorwaseng to send one of his brothers along with the penghulu in Aleluwuk, to sail to Gima to deliver his son's appeal to Datu Gima, and after the application and dowry accepted by Datu Gima Sri La La Tenritatta, then Sawerigading sailed to Gima.
Satwasfied with releasing the longing for his two beloved parents, Sawerigading begs goodbye to return to Saoloci's palace to met his long-abandoned wives.
After a year of Sawerigading back from Tompo Tikka, he remembered Pallawagauk's remark when Sawerigading taunted him because Pallawagauk fell in love with his own sister. At that time Pallawagauk said that if Sawerigading saw his twin golden sister, surely he would also fall in love. Therefore Sawerigading was wondering whether what Pallawagauk said was true. Finally, Sawerigading found out and he also found the hiding place of his sister We Tenriabeng and Sawerigading proved to be amazed at the beauty of his younger brother and immediately met him. After that, his father and mother saw Sawerigading come down from where his sister was exiled and scolded him but Sawerigading quickly departed.
After that Sawerigading went to Luwuk to build his palace in Watamperek. And after the majestic palace was standing upright, he invited guests and party for days. The chickenfighter was stunned to see the greatness of Sawerigading and was convinced that he was a god. Wangkang Sawerigading also began to sail. Adaik, his parents and his wives kept tearing to see his departure that would not come back again. In the middle of the land, Sawerigading remembers the place where he spent a lot of time and he thinks to go back and do things that could abort is oath. But suddenly he and he cousins ​​saw Tenriabeng's departure to bottillangi to marry his future husband. They saw We Tenriabeng leave his residence to live with her husband in bottillangi. Sawerigading could not hold his cry in La Massaguni's lap and Matangkiluwuk saw the incident. The arrival of We Tenriabeng was greeted with a magnificent ceremony of hiyang kehiyangannya.
On the way Sawerigading, rational forces that meruoakan bannyakpaguling dwaseran by a pirate king, but he was defeated. Seven days after that, his army was confronted by La Teppusolok Toapunnge who then inquired of their origins. He Teppusolok did want war, then by looking at the junk Sawerigading and his followers. he too considers themselves the opponents to the war he wanted. But again the rebels were defeated.
20 nights after that, there were hundreds of boats blocking them. La Teppugellang was the king of East Java. He also asked their origin. La Teppugellang also had the purpose of fighting because he wanted to follow his wife to the afterlife. And he was defeated.
Furthermore, they again in the presence again by the troops of King La Togektana Pajulimpo, a king of the west. But still the Sawerigading followers managed to defeat him.
Their seizures were again held by La Tenripula troops and not allowed to pass. But still the beginning of the conversation, the king of La Temripula was killed by the spear La Pananrang who felt uncomfortable hearing his said.
This time their troops were confronted by La Tenrinyiwik La Ngirisompa  from Malacca. His opponent this time was very difficult and because it was difficult to defeat his opponent who also received asswastance by Oropasakka from Pwasimpatu in Uriliu. Sawerigading sought help from his sister Tenriabeng to send a messenger from Bottillangi. So Tenriabeng's husband went down with the dogs and the hunter's demon to spend the opponents. Eventually they managed to paralyze L Tenrin yiwik and Sawerigading along with his cousin took over junk La Tenrinyiwik very pretentious and wife found La Tenrinyiwik very pretty but Sawerigading remained at its founding to apply I We Cudai esuai requested by his sister Tenriabeng. Sawerigading also bless it. And they were married.
For three years Sawerigading gathered his wives in Watamperek but he relentlessly thought of his brother who had already loved him. Various ways he had done to forget his brother but still did not work. Even Sawerigading forced his father and mother to acknowledge the exwastence of was younger brother and then begged his father and mother to marry his sister. But it should not happen because it would bring dwasaster and catastrophe if a king marries his own sibling.
Sawerigading how many days he kept confined himself then his sister was allowed to met him. We Tenriabeng also persuaded his sister to marry someone else, and there was a woman who was born with her and her beauty equivalent to We Tenriabeng and Sawerigading also agreed after seeing I We Cudai in her beautiful dream was indeed equivalent to her sister. Sawerigading would sail to China to apply for I We Cudai and before that he went to cut down a walenreng tree to be used as a shell which he would sail to China.
Before determining the time when Sawerigading would sail to China, La Pangorwaseng was ordered to the dock to see with his inner eye a good day for Sawerigading's departure. With so many time options, Sawerigading chose 3 days later to leave and accept any consequences that would happen. After Sawerigading to China, We Tenriabeng also to Botti langi to be married by Remmangrilangi.
The next day, Sawerigading mets with Settiabonga. Settiabonga was surprwased to hear her fiancé wanted to get married by someone. Settiabonga became angry and they waved the banner of war. The war took many lives. After Sattiyabonga's troops ran a chaotic run, he admitted his defeat.
Sawerigading voyage was continued until the wangkangnya has anchored in China. Chinese occupation was amazed to see the beauty of Sawerigading shells that shine like the sun. Initially, Sawerigading dwasguwased himself as a merchant of La Orokelling who wanted to trade. He then entered Latanete's palace to plow his wares in order to see I We Cudai. After seeing I We Cudai, Sawerigading heart was flowering.
However, upon returning home, Ida Palwasu Appericina heard Sawerigading's conversation with his cousin. He also reported the incident to his King. I We Cudai became very hurt and disappointed to have been deceived.
A few days later, the Sawerigading Application had been accepted by the King and the dowry has been mentioned. Dowry was then transported for 3 months in a row. However, after the dowry had been transported, I We Cudai canceled the marriage because We duppasaugi wrongly suppose, that Ancekkuliba was Sawerigading which had long chest hair, tied mustache, and snake eaters. I We Cudai immediately canceled their marriage because she did not want to marry like that.
The Sawerigading Party was surprised at how the dowry was returned. Because they were furious because there was no apparent reason, they attacked the Land of Wugi until the King of China confessed his defeat. Finally, I We Cudai want to marry Sawerigading under various conditions such as, they must be separated by 7 layers of wall. I We Cudai was met by Sawerigading by wind for several days but I We Cudai still did not want to see her husband's face.
Since I We cudai still did not allow her husband to enter the palace, the king advised Sawerigading to marry another woman. And finally, Sawerigading chose I We Cimpau as his wife because he saw I We Cimpau very much like his wife We Pannangareng, after marriage, Sawerigading still remained to the Chinese king's palace to met his wife. His wife had dared to look at Sawerigading face that made him so sorry to have vilified him. However, because of his arrogance, he insisted on not wanting to be known by the crowd that he had received her husband. He slept together.
When Sawerigading met I We cudai, Sawerigading was greeted angrily by his wife. They then quarreled and challenged each other until Sawerigading said that he would divorce I We Cimpau but his words were told by La pananrang, his cousin who advised him not to rush.
Since pregnancy I we cudai never leave the room due to his words that reject, insult and belittle sawerigading, which turned out to be the one who had made her pregnant. One night amid his sadness, I we cudai felt the heartburn because the baby in his stomach was about to go out, but during childbirth he felts unwell with pain that seemed to make his whole bone crushed. He cannot bear the pain and asked himself to be killed. Puang mattoa throws golden pity and pleads forgiveness for the congratulatory speech I we cudai looked up to Bottilangi and worship to the land. All the effort has been done but the baby I we cudai had not come out yet.
A cavalier I we cudai's attitude insulted his beloved grandson who made I we cudai tormented before the birth of his baby. If he and his baby wanted to survive he should apologize to sawerigading and I we cimpau, as a sign of sawerigading and I cimpau forgive them they both came to latanete. 9 days 9 nights I We Cudai hung herself on a golden hanger and pilina while resting on a golden board as it twitched.
Hearing the request of Sawerigading, to palanroe and his wife sent billakgawura to bring their hand and foot water for both of them to be drunk to I We Cudai and wet his stomach with it. Besides billakgawura also gives kelewang inheritance used to cut the navel of Sawerigading son.
 Drinking the water and confined I We Cudai, shouted the sound Thunder and lightning Sawerigading sambar pleaded to his son to get out of the birth of his mother, then I We Cudai back pain and the baby came out without I We Cudai tighten.
But after all the suffering of I We Cudai who had just felt his sense of arrogance still had not disappeared and told the kingdom’s shaman to throw his son's soon into a hole for dogs to eat. Hearing the words I We Cudai was his brother king Tempe felt angry. Even I We Cudai requested that her baby was swept away by the sea to be eaten by the fwash because he did not want to receive the son of the descendants of the luwuk.
Since I We Cudai refused to keep the baby, Chinese Opunna gives the baby to his father's Sawerigading to take him to Mario and then took care of him. Not to mention leave the latanete palace, suddenly baby named sangajiwero crying with heartbreaking wailing heart who heard it. Hearing of his baby cried, I We Cudai's heart jerked and wanted to hold his son but because of his pride he was embarrassed and discouraged.
Once Mario, the baby does not want to suckle at anyone in the palace, it was because palwasulangi envoy aunt of bottilangi, did not allow him to suckle unless the host apparatus kingdom of pure offspring.
Then oppocina ordered to pick up King Jempu for later became nanny host I I Galigo. After King Jempu arrived in Mario he was carrying I la Galigo who immediately suckle to King Jempu.
5 years have passed, I la Galigo was very clever to compete and also strive tongue (he would have risked Mario lempa-Lempa in jampu and thousands of a hundred nurse) Sawerigading and cousins ​​are very happy to see I la Galigo say that at the age of mouth was still small.
In the happiness, I la Galigo said that tomorrow would drop kegelanggang yes risking the country as a bet but his father did not allow Sawerigading before the ceremony raga-raga.
 In a ceremony raga-raga the pama I la Galigo give a variety of gifts, palawaguk gave the country prosperous, le Maddaremmeng gave negeri makmur named wirimpoba, lawaullangi gave the country toddassalo, a mappapuli give wankan gold-headed dragon and the tail of a snake stone, and I la Galigo of Kelling gave wakkapajaga browsing wawoempong, la rumappamega give gold wankan equipped with protective weaponry country. After the ceremony rag-raga I la Galigo complete, start La Galigo dropped to rink rwasking chicken.
On the other hand, I We Cudai was crying alone lamenting his sorrow and longing for his son who had been wasted once. Until one day, he could no longer hold his longing and held a show of savings and invite all the penyabung who was in tana wugi karna sure I la Galigo would come because he was very fond of menggbung. Hearing the excitement of this foughtngan, I la Galigo asked about this belt, and his uncle began to explain about the country and challenge his biological mother I We Cudai.
I la Galigo and Sawerigading leave for the sanctuary in alecina. Upon d alecina, they were seen by I We Cudai and asked him to come to the palace, but the invitation was rejected by Sawerigading. Until I We Cudai asked the Chinese oppunna to ask Sawerigading and I la Galigo went to the palace and finally answered yes. When I la Galigo still stood, I We Cudai directly grips his hand and holds his son I la Galigo.
I la Galigo introduced his true self, that he was the son of a fierce warek, his father was named Sawerigading who had a title maddukelleng, tomappanyompa called. He was a shaded umbrella manuung in aleluwuk, and given tribute from the watamperek population. His mother was named I We Cimpau who titled king of earth. Himself I la Galigo who titled to tessiwoja commonly called to tessemagga. I We Cudai then told me that she was actually the birth mother of I la Galigo and not I We Cimpau. Hearing his cry, he was unable to persuade him and summoned Sawerigading to persuade him. All three are gathered and like happy families. It's been 3 months Sawerigading lived in latanete but he never went down because the kegelaggang cannot stay away from his wonderful wife. Moreover, when I We Cudai began to get pregnant again Sawerigading was always with him.
Vengeful I We Cudai to I We Cimpau rose again after hearing the story of intimacy Sawerigading with I We Cimpau and indeed I We Cimpau to Mario. For wanting to kill I We Cimpau. Upon I We Cimpau dwastana, I We Cudai keep trying to kill I We Cimpau with a knife. But I la Galigo rescued his mother and opposed the would of the king since then I la Galigo took the action of killing every Chinese shepherd whom he met.
I We Cudai persuaded I la Galigo to return to China, and finally I la Galigo made a requirement that he would return if he was accompanied by his sister makkawaru.
The second pregnancy I We Cudai made her felt bad, and even difficult to sleep. All treatments were not effective against them. Until he said that he wanted and Sawerigading filled him then he got back to normal.
 It's time for I We Cudai to give birth, the same as when he gave birth first, this time he also felt the tremendous pain and had surrendered and surrendered, but when Tenri Abeng came down and came to the baby's palace straight out of Rahim I We Cudai with ease, all People there silent see the figure of Tenri Abeng.
This newborn daughter of We Weuda Cudai was given the name we tenridio with batsu bissu. Bissosolo called him, he was the owner of the country in mallimongeng and inherits Mario.
The next day the lettepatalo to sompariwu came into the body of tenridio who was in the pangkuhan matangkiluwuk. Suddenly we tenridio convulsions and his tongue stretched out around his neck. After puang ri luwuk and puang ricina pray and beg forgiveness of sinrijiwa entering the body, then we tenridio better.
We tenridio did not want to be arranged in alelino, he wanted to go to bottilangi to unite the treasures of his twin brother.
Seven months after the birth we tenridio, I We Cudai back to felt the stomach pain because in the stomach there were still babies who would go out.
Day was so bright, suddenly appeared darkness accompanied by Typhoon and Thunder, amid the fear of the people appeared rainbows 7 wrarna in the middle of the palace beside sarewigading. The messenger carried a large sample of We Tenri Abeng. Then Sawerigading asked his wife to push and the baby came out. Beautiful pearls. He was named Tenribalabo we runelamming maroawe, titled sulokalakka.
The age we tenridio had entered 1 year more, during which time it becomes silent mute. Lattepatalo still often entered the body of tenridio that made him stiff and unable to move.
But one day we tenridio became stiff again and unable to move, various treatments had been done and no results. It's been 3 months lying and can not move, then I We Cudai asked for bissu dapuntasereng in ujumpero and we palaguna in tawallangi.
We tenridio was then treated by these two bissu. In the dream of the bissu he was told by we tenriabeng that the cause of the silence we tenridio was because of his desire on bissu equipment tenriabeng abandoned in luwuk.
Sarewigading asked I We Cudai to ask I la Galigo to sail to the sun but he did not allow it as well as with his uncles. As I la Galigo knew of his increasingly sad condition and his lying father lamented his grief, I la Galigo angrily and opposed his mother and uncle, he wanted to go to luwu to take the bissu equipment his sister wanted. I la Galigo determined that his choice was to take the bissu equipment to China or die in the middle of the ocean.
Depart I Galigo cousin accompanied by him pananrang to luwuk. Arriving at Luwuk, I la Galigo suspected people to luwuk that yes was the son of Sawerigading, king luwuk who left grief in luwuk with his departure. I la Galigo constantly hide his true identity but in the last he told the truth that yes it was indeed a child from Sawerigading. There I la Galigo met his grandfather, grandmother, and his father's wives.
After 15 days in the luwuk, I la Galigo asked for goodbye to return kecina. But he was asked to go to the innate kingdoms luwuk. Day after day passed and I la Galigo still had not returned to China.
There was a woman in the dark who caught the attention of I la Galigo and asked her grandfather to marry her, then I la Galigo was married to a risompa  rajeng (rumors of risompa still married to her husband).
After 3 days 3 nights, I la Galigo with his wife asked goodbye to return to Alecina. I la Galigo and his wife and his 70 cousins ​​went back to Alecina with their bissu and various gifts given by his grandfather.
After 15 days of sailing I la Galigo arrived in china. The reception was very festive, when I la Galigo in the palace carrying bissu bibina equipment, we tenridio felt very happy to see what he wanted finally arrived.
I la Galigo also told of the prosperous kingdom luwuk with the tone as if chanting the Chinese deliberately to heat his mother, but it's just for joking.
We tenriolle, cousin I I Galigo set out from sabbang to china to see the condition of we tenridio. After I la Galigo saw the figure of we tenriolle, he tried to arrest him to go home because he really wanted it. Upon learning that we tenriolle had returned to sabbang, I la Galigo insisted to follow him to sabbang. However, I la Galigo was prevented by to rukkampoti and to toapasessu.
With arrogant I la Galigo opposed toaddanaca who had 7 wives, 7 eldest son, and 7 times bringing the opponent's head dimedan role to compete in the arena. But doaddanaca rejected it with respect. I la Galigo insisted and with a heavy heart toaddanaca accepted the challenge I la Galigo. Sariwegading tried to intervene both by reciting the lightning and lightning bolts. Unexpectedly his lightning strike toaddanaca and made his life float.
Maddacana's torso rose slowly and sings a Bissu, eyes looking far away somewhere, mouth speaks faintly. All Chinese residents who witnessed the tragedy toaddacana were amazed.
Anxiety and fear spread to all corners of China, people wondered how their destiny would be if I la galigo became the sole ruler of China. The question remained as a question that no one could answer with certainty. Time was still rolling to follow the rhythm of his own rhythm, which had been set almighty.

          Scattered stories are still incomplete because there are still stories that are missing and spread in some areas, so the end of the story is still unclear. But admin hopes you enjoy the story. Thank you!😊😉
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