Reviewing Literary Work "Good Hours"

Hello everyone!
       Here is one example of a review of English literary works from one of California's famous writers, Robert Frost. One of his works of interest to the admin for review is a poem entitled Good Hours. For more details, please check the article below.

Background of the author

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Robert Frost
Robert Frost is the writer of highly respected in American because of his works describe about life in village of New Zeland and the daily expression. Frost just producing rows poetry and poems about daily life. Though his works  used as the setting from life in the village and inspect social condition and philosophy of New Zeland early twentieth century.

Background of the poetry
Poems that I have chosen to be inspect is Good Hours written by Robert Frost in 1915 and published in New York. Good Hours is the second printing of North of Boston, a poetry collection from Mending Wall. Writing poetry coincides after the start of World War I. When Robert Frost moved from Great Britain to the United State. This poem wrote when Frost feels loss because his parents was dead. He started to mental disorders about his problem, so that he walks alone in the dark cold night. Because night is good time for rumination.

I had for my winter evening walk-
No one at all with whom to talk,
But I had the cottages in a row
Up to their shining eyes in snow.
And I thought I had the folk within:
I had the sound of a violin;
I had a glimpse through curtain laces
Of youthful forms and youthful faces.
I had such company outward bound.
I went till there were no cottages found.
I turned and repented, but coming back
I saw no window but that was black.
Over the snow my creaking feet
Dirturbed the slumbering village street
Like profanation, by your leave,
At ten o’clock of a winter eve.

The Analysis  of Good Hours Poem
I had for my winter evening walk
No one at all with whom to talk,

A man walks in the winter evening with him self without someone to talking. The solitude not makes him to sad, but he enjoys with his solitude in the cold night. The winter evening can be a very nice thing to appreciate by oneself.

But I had the cottages in a row
Up to their shining eyes in snow.

A man comforted by a long line of cottages and snow on the ground. He likes to see the cottages with “shining eyes”. It means that the cottages with lights that can be seen through the windows of every cottages. In the cottages, every family enjoy with their dinner with sound of music. So that, the men enjoy his night.

And I thought I had the folk within:
I had the sound of a violin;

The man sees the cottages, every family enjoy with their dinner with sound of violin. So that, the man try to make the house like his friend. The house with the sound from violin can accompany the man to walk in the row so that the man not too feels alone.

I had a glimpse through curtain laces
Of youthful forms and youthful faces.

When the man pass in front of the cottages, accidentally he sees in the window there are chlidren dancing and they looks very happy. I think that the children enjoy the music or violin.

 I had such company outward bound.
I went till there were no cottages found.
I turned and repented, but coming back
I saw no window but that was black.

The man enjoys his walk and feels like he has company in every street. When the man reaches the end of his route, he returns. But when he walks back, he starts feeling lonely because everyone is turning their lights off and the cottages don’t have shining eyes. In my mind, the people in the cottages are sleep.

Over the snow my creaking feet
Dirturbed the slumbering village street
Like profanation, by your leave,
At ten o’clock of a winter eve.

In the last stanza, I think there are the implied meaning. In my mind, the man feels like he is disturbing someone or somepeople and he feels he is do something wrong. Because in the poetry, the sound of man’s step almost not pure. The man should not make his step have a voice, because it can makes the people wake up from their sleep.

Conclusion of The Analysis of Good Hours Poem
The conclusions can I got from analyzing the poetry of Robert Frost Good Hours is someone who thinks that alone is better because there is freedom to enjoy life, but he forgot that alone is not always good. Sometimes it is because we want to own, there are people injured because they think that they themselves are not considered.

The Intrinsic Element of Good Hours Poem
1.        Theme
Poetry of Good Hours themed loneliness because the man is in the poem feel lonely when the street is getting dark in the middle of a cold night and he wants to feel the warmth and happiness as the people do in their cottages.
2.        Imagery
This poem describes about the man’s feeling in solitude, but he still enjoys his life, though in the end he feels really lonely and need someone else.
3.        Diction
The word uses in this poem is easy to understand because it uses in everyday life and Frost choice of words is also not far from the meaning. But at the last stanza there are a words that need to be interpreted as implying such as words in line 15.
4.        Rhyme
The poem uses rhyme sceheme: AABB
5.        Tones
The tone of this poetry are romantic and melancholic. Romantic tone, when the man is still enjoying the solitude. Melancholic tone, when the man that togetherness is able to make people happy, he too felt sad and felt very lonely.

The Ekstrinsic Element of Good Hours Poem
1.        Biography
Robert Frost was born on March 26, 1874, San Francisco, California, and he died on January 29, 1963, Boston, Massachusetts, USA at the age of 88. He was one of the poets of America's most popular and critically respected twentieth century. In 1912, Frost move to Britania Raya with his family before he live in Glasgow. He later settled in Beaconsfield Luar, London.
In the year 1885 when Frost 11 year-old, his father died because with leaving money 8 dollars and his mother died in 1900 because cancer. Frost’s young sister, Jeanie was insane and she inserted into mental hospital then died nine years later. Frost's wife, Elinor also depressed. Frost blessed with six children: Elliot (1896–1904), Lesley (1899-1983), Carol (1902-1940), Irma (1903-1967), Marjorie (1905-1934) and Bettina (1907).

2.        Psychology
Most of Robert Frost's poem told about the darkness. It can be related to his clamp life. He covered a lot of sadness and loss. Both his parents died. When he married, he and his wife must face mental rehabilitation, because their three children from the six children died several years after birth. His strangely hobby is take a around the city in the dark cold. For him, this is a therapy to treat his soul is crushed. Because night is rumination for Frost.

Hope the above article useful and can help you in understanding the English poetry literature by understanding the example of the review.
Thank you 😊