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This discussion is about translation research. For more details about the translation research, please check the article below:


Hasil gambar untuk translation

A.    Research design
Many research methods can be used in researching the work of translation, but all of these methods are descriptive, can be in the category of both qualitative and quantitative depending on the purpose of research. A study that wanted to find correlation between background, knowledge, gender and translation experience with the quality or type of mistranslation done by quantitative approach and apply correlation coefficient calculation formula. While research on translator errors, translation procedures in accordance with the type of text, is more suited to be approached with a qualitative approach.
B.     Translation research
Research related to the field of translation can be classified into 3 groups according to the topic of discussion.
1. Research on process and translation results
          a)      Research on the process of translation
Research on the process of translation can be done in many ways, such as interviews, observation or thinking hard. Observations are made to observe the birth process or translation activities at the time of translating a manuscript. Activities that can be recorded for example what he did from start to finish. According to Bathgate (Widyamartaya, 1988: 18-19), the translation process follows the sequence of assessment, analysis, comprehension, search terms, assembly, checking and discussion or discussion. In terms of the accuracy of each procedure, it can be concluded that the standard translation is best used to translate the names of well-known social institutions. The cultural equivalent is better used to translate the name of the profession or occupation and the equivalent of perian and component analysis is suitable for translating words and phrases related to cultures whose meanings cannot be found in the BSa but are considered important enough for the reader to know.
b)      Research on translation results
Research on results or quality of translation can be done in many ways. Among the ways that are often used are as follows:
Ø  Comparing BSu text and BSa text. Every sentence BSa compared with sentences BSu, researchers can analyze whether there are meanings and messages in the text of BSu that is not conveyed in the text BSa.
Ø  The translation back is literally translating the text of the BSa into the text of BSu.
Ø  With the Cloze procedure, the researcher takes a piece of BSa text and then removes one word every particular word count (say the word in tenth count), then instructs the research subject to replenish the places that the original word has omitted. If the results are good, then the translation is considered good because it has a high degree of legibility.
Ø  Measure the level of understanding of BSa reader, the researcher asks someone to read BSa text. After which he measured the level of understanding of the contents of the BSa text. If the result is good then the translation can be said good.
Ø  Comparing comprehension and impression by BSU and BSa readers, the researcher asks the reader of BSa text and BSU text to read BSa and BSu texts. After which the level of understanding of its contents and its impression of the language style of both types of text that can be caught readers compared. If the result is worth it then the translation is considered good.
2. Research on teaching translation
Research on the teaching of translation includes research on students, lecturers and teaching and learning process of translation along with all its variables. About the students, researchers can examine the influence of student background on gender, mother tongue, duration of stay in BSa culture or level of intelligence to quality or error translation. In terms of lecturers, can be examined whether the success of teaching the translation was influenced by the experience of translation or the deepening of science translation. In terms of teaching and learning process can be studied what teaching methods and what teaching materials that can support the success of teaching translation.
3. Research that uses translation as a tool
Research in the field of foreign language teaching, especially those within the scope of the analysis of mistakes often use translation as a tool. Student translation results observed. If there is an unspoken meaning in the BSa or a grammatical error in the BSa text, then the error is considered an indicator that a grammatical grain or a certain vocabulary has not been mastered by the student concerned.
C.     Translation researcher
Sometimes a concept or theory in this case about translation can be easily understood and mastered, but in practice or at the time of the process, such translation takes place, an interpreter sometimes has difficulty in its application. Then the process and the results of the translation can be investigated. According to Newmark (1988: 84) in Suryawinata (2003: 174) states that sometimes a concepts can be easily described in descriptions or theories. However, when it is at the level of practice, it is possible that these concepts are difficult to distinguish or even clearly recognized. In this context research can be a search the translation process done by a translator whether it is linear or even irregular.
In addition to research on the process and results of the translation, there are still two more things can be researched (Suryawinata, 2003: 171) namely (1) research on teaching translation, and (2) research using translation as a tool. While that approach needed in research on translation is qualitative and quantitative, depends on the purpose of his research. If you want to find a correlation between translation experience an interpreter with the quality or type of translation error, is required quantitative methods. In addition, this method is also very appropriate to use in research in the scope of the teaching of translation, for example from the student side, their level of intelligenc against quality or error translation. While the next method is use if the research contains errors in translation, procedures and others it is more appropriate to use qualitative methods to do a research about translating a person should be more formerly mastered about, the language of the sumbar and the target language, the theory of translation, and field of science that is translated. So they could have: (a) the translation agent wanted examining the quality of the translation, (b) the publisher of the translation work, for example, to research his publishing works, (c) the client of the translation, (d) the critic, the scientist or the observer of the matter translations in this case can be a lecturer, student or researcher.
D.    Examples of translation research
         1. Examples of IPTEK research translations
IPTEK translation research model cannot be uniformed because the method and procedure depends on the purpose of translation. Here will be presented examples of research models of translation process IPTEK manuscript ever done by Brislin (1976). This research tries to observe the process or procedure of translation of IPTEK English script into Vietnamese by Vietnam translators. The theme of his research is the general problem of translating IPTEK manuscripts from a language that has many technical terms (English) into languages ​​with only a few technical terms (Vietnam).
To get data about what the translators do, researchers observe them while translating. One of his findings is that the process of translating itself does not take a long time. As much time is required to understand complex phrases, such as "nose and hydraulic system reservoirs must be properly serviced". Other processes that take a lot of time are search terms or describe terms like "hydraulic system reservoirs".
To measure the translation quality of the translators, Brislin (1976: 15) uses three ways: reverse translation, testing of Vietnamese reading comprehension and testing by measuring the performance of technicians who must use BSU and BSa texts to perform their reparations work. The results show that back translation can be used to sort the results of translations based on their quality. In addition, this technique can show certain English-language structures that tend to be difficult to translate into Vietnamese. More understanding of the test can show the quality of the translation. Translations with the worst quality is evidenced by the average comprehension value of the BSa reader whsich is only 2.1 (from scale 0-10). While the best translations got an average score of 6.1. This result was correlated with the measurement results by way of translation back. From testing technician performance (BSa text reader) also obtained a clear picture. A good BSa text allows the technicians to complete 73% of their work. While the ugliest BSa text only helps the technician group to complete 11%.
2. Examples of prose fiction translation research
Each researcher can design his own design according to the purpose of his research. The following is an example of literary translation research conducted by Hariyanto (1997). This study focuses on the analysis of equivalence level of BSu and BSa texts on three main aspects namely, meaning or message, style and impression of the reader. Meaning is written information in the source language, whereas the message is the feeling, emotion and implications that the author hopes to be understood by the reader.
There are three problems to be revealed through this research
Ø  Is the BSa text adequate in terms of meaning and mandate?
Ø  Is the BSa text adequate in terms of style?
Ø  Does the BSU and BSa text reader have the same impression?
The first data source is the original novel "Manyar birds" by Y.B. Mangunwijaya and its translation version entitled "the Weaverbirds", the translation of T.M. Hunter. The data in the form of sentences in Chapter I and their translations are presented in a broader context or in groups of sentences containing one main idea. This is done to give a complete picture of the idea presented by the author.
The second data source group is 25 native speakers or speakers that resemble native speakers of English, 25 native speakers of Indonesian language, and 10 people who speak Indonesian and English well and have good knowledge in translation theory.
The data collection procedure is as follows:
a.      The researcher reads the entire original novel and chooses a chapter to examine.
b.      Researchers divided the selected chapters into groups, each group containing one idea.
c.       The researcher copies each group of sentences and translations into tables for further analysis.
d.      The researcher asked 25 native speakers or speakers who resembled native English speakers to read the translation of chapter I and subsequently answered questionnaire B.
e.       Researchers asked 25 native speakers of the Indonesian language to read the original text of chapter I and then answer the questionnaire A
f.       Researchers asked 10 people who have good skills in Indonesian and English and know the translation theory to fill the questionnaire C
The collected data is then analyzed by the following steps:
a.       Comparing the source language and the language of the target sentence by sentence. In this process, the researcher gives an assessment of the correspondence of the source language text and the target language in terms of meaning or message and style.
b.      Comparing each sentence with the English translation then identifying the accuracy of the translation. Assessment of accuracy is done on the basis of the equivalence of meaning and style.
c.       Gave a score for the results of questionnaires A and B
d.      Compare the mean of questionnaires A and B, then interpret the results
e.       Give score for result of questionnaire C
f.       Discusses the results from steps 1 through 4 with a guide to the C questionnaire results
 Quite a lot of discussion of material about translation research in this article. hopefully useful .thank you.

Endang suciati. Penerjemah dan penelitian terjemahan. University of pesantren tinggi darul’ulum jombang.

Suryawinata,Zuchrdi & Sugeng Harianto. Translation “Bahasa teori & penuntun praktis menerjemahkan”. Penerbit Kanisius.2000.

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