The Classical Music Intelligence in Stimulating Brain Fetus, Infant and Children

Hello guys.......We will discuss about the classical music, well this time the discussion does classical affect the performance of the brain in thinking and resting? and whether it can also help the child's brain in managing the mind when in the classical music listening? let's read it together.

The Classical Music Intelligence in Stimulating Brain Fetus, Infant and Children
          Music cannot be eliminated in human life. People usually use music as a medium of entertainment, learning time friend, companion in traditional ceremonies or even as a form of worship to speak up. In this time, the music has been growing widely, Such as Dangdut music, pop, rock, ballad, Kroncong, Campur sari, and many more. One of type of music known in the world is classical music. Classical music is a broad term that usually leads to the music created or rooted in the traditions of Western art, Christian music, and orchestral music. European classical music is distinguished from forms of non-European music and popular music, especially by the music notation system that has been used since about the 16th century. Western music notation is used by composers to give instructions to the carrier about the music pitch, speed, metrum, individual rhythms and exact nature of a piece of music. This restricts their practices such as improvisation and ornamentation libitum frequently heard in non-European music and popular music.
          The music was spread all over Europe and then grew, and instrumental music developed rapidly after no improvement in musical instruments, such as violin and cello. According to Aristotle music had the ability to reconcile the troubled heart which has recreational therapy and foster patriotism. Several studies had been done in proving the benefits of classical music for health, especially for intelligence. Indeed, in this life we will never be separated from the name of music.  Wherever we are always in touch with the music but our choice of music can also affect our health. In 1998, Don Campbell, a musician and educator, along with Dr. Alfred Tomatis, a psychologist, conducted research to see the positive effects of some types of music. The results are set forth in their book in Indonesia which was published under the title "Mozart Effect, Harnessing the Power of Music to Sharpen Your Mind, Improve Creativity and Healthy Body". Many interesting facts were revealed by Campbell and Tomatis.  
 Classical music is proven to improve brain function and human intellectual optimally. Campbell then took the example of Mozart's Sonata in D major K 488 which believed having the effect of stimulation of the most good for the baby. On the another hand Dra. Louise, M.M.Psi., Psychologist once a music therapist of Present Education Program RSAB Harapan Kita, Jakarta, actually not only Mozart's music might be used. All quiet and rhythmic music playing softly gave a good effect for fetuses, infants and children. More often called Mozart effect because the music composed by Mozart was the first time in thoroughly. Other studies had also been conducted Frances Rauscher and colleagues at the University of Wisconsin, USA conducted research relationship between intelligence and music. Researchers from the universities divided the two groups of pregnant rats. The first group played a number of wonderful sonatas of Mozart. Then, babies newborn rats were treated to music remain the same until they are 2 months old. Other parent groups Glass minimalist music is played and it continued until the babies are 2 months old mice. Rauscher and his colleagues then tested whether "vitamin music" which was given as a food supplement for two groups of mice that had an impact on intelligence. They tested mice whose baby to race in the maze, to get a food reward. The trial results were very impressive. Babies rats "vitamin classical music" of Mozart's sonatas worked perfectly and very few made a mistake and they need a time not too long for food as a reward. While the group of mice that received vitamin minimalist music of Glass seemed not as intelligent group of "classic". The study suggests that complex music (classical music) has boosted the mice learned to space and time (spatial-temporal). This also applies to humans. The researchers came to the conclusion, spatial ability can be found in people who have got math, music, and science. Above research reinforces the results so far on effects of classical music on improving intelligence. UNESCO Music Council has asserted, first, classical music is an educational tool. Second, music is a tool to sharpen the sense of the human intellect. Such music usually has a balance among the four elements of music, the melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre. Music that meets these requirements is the classical, semi-classical, folk music as well as traditional music Karawitan. It is time we apply classical music to educate the children of the nation, by providing guidance to pregnant women to play classical music when the content begins to enter the age of 4 months. It can stimulate brain development in the fetus, such as stir a limbs. In toddlers, classical music can be played while before bed. So that children can sleep with a feeling of calm and comfortable. For children, classical music can be played whenever they want or can also teach them to play music.

OK guys, this is the discussion about the influence of the classical music on the brain performance system of the small children to adults. Hopefully this article brings benefits to your everyday life and also you can try from now on to listen to the music classical.

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