
Hello everybody!
This time we will discuss material about subjunctive. let's take a look at the discussion of the subjunctive detail in the article below:
Hasil gambar untuk subjunctive

Subjunctive is assumption that it will not happened. Among the subjunctive and conditional sentences have the same and different things. Most of the indicative verb forms are used for the subjunctive mood, but the time that they express is not usually the same. We can use the subjunctive in that clause saying that something is necessary. Kinds of conditional subjunctive are wish, as if/as though, if only and would rather. present subjunctive, serves to express assumptions or expectations about events or circumstances which do not correspond to reality today. Past subjunctive is used to express assumptions or expectations about events or circumstances which do not correspond to the reality of the past.

Key Words: Subjunctive

We choose this title because there are many students who lack understanding about the subjunctive. Whereas subjunctive often we use and look in the English language that we do not realize therefore we talk about the subjunctive.
Subjunctive form of the verb is used to express the expected events or circumstances that occur (imaginary) or expressed a supposition that does not correspond to reality and also to express suggestions. Kinds of conditional subjunctive are present subjunctive, serves to express assumptions or expectations about events or circumstances which do not correspond to reality today. Past subjunctive is used to express assumptions or expectations about events or circumstances which do not correspond to the reality of the past. (Suherman. Top Grammar. (Pare: CV Resonansi Ilmu, 2012), 341).
Subjunctive is a sentence modality used to express an expectation or a different state in the fact that actually happened. (Aswir Suhud. Smart Way to the Grammar. (Jakarta: Dunia Cerdas, 2013), 73).
Subjunctive forms of verbs are typically used express various states of unreality such as wish, emotin, possibility, judgment, oponion, obligation or action that has not yet occurred.
Review of literature                            
Subjunctive is one of the verb moods that express what you are thinking about something.
The kinds of Subjunctive:
1.      Subjunctive wish
a)      Pattern of future
Subject 1 + Wish (that) + Subject 2 + could + V1 / could be + adjective/noun.
Subject 1 + Wish (that) + Subject 2 + would + V1 / would be + adjective/noun.
Subject 1 + Wish (that) + Subject 2 + were + V-ing
For instance :
1.      I wish that we could go on vacation this week.
2.      We wish that you would get the best score.
3.      She wishes that I were meeting with her tomorrow.
b)      Pattern of present
Subject 1 + Wish (that) + Subject 2 + V2 / were + Adjective/Noun
Subject 1 + Wish (that) + Subject 2 + Could have + V3 /  could have been  +  adjective/noun.
Subject 1 + Wish (that) + Subject 2 + had + V3 / Had been + Adjective/noun.
For instance:
1.      I wish that she were lucky enough to win this game.
2.      Desy wishes that he could have attended the meeting.
3.      Nanda wishes that I had accompanied her to go to the mall.
c)      Pattern of past
Subject 1 + Wished (that) + Subject 2 + had + V3/ could have + V3
Subject 1 + Wished (that) + Subject 2 + had been + V3/ could have been + Adjective/noun.
For instance :
1.      Nurul wished that Mida had eaten with me last night.
2.      Ulfa wished that Yuni could have been kind on her.
1.      Subjunctive as if/ as though
a)      Pattern of present
Subject 1 + Verb (present) +  as if / as though + Subject 2 + verb 2 / were
For instance:
1.      She acts as if she were the Queen on this kingdom.
2.      He looks as though he were handsome.
b)      Pattern of past
Subject 1 + Verb (past) + as if / as though + Subject 2 + had + V3 / had been
For instance:
1.      He screamed as though he had seen a thief.
2.      Dian acted as if she had known everything.
2.      Subjunctive if only
a)      Pattern of present
If only + Subject + V2/were.
For instance:
1.      If only I were a nurse, I will look after you.
2.      If only I were a singer!
b)      Pattern of past
If only + subject + had + V3 / had been.
For instance:
1.      If only we had not met, I will not know the way to go home.
2.      If only I had had much money, I will build mosque.
3.      Subjunctive would rather
a)    Pattern of present
Subject 1 + would rather + Subject 2 + V2 / were + present time signal.
For instance :
1.      I would rather you left me now.
2.      He would rather I smiled to me now.
b)   Pattern of past
Subject 1 + would rather + subject 2 + had + V3/ had been + past time signal.
For instance :
1.      She would rather Andi had not worn his shirt yesterday.
2.      He would rather they had not stayed up last night.
*Note: One of the types of conditional sentence included in subjunctive also. In conditional sentence there is a type of a sentence means what the subject desire can be fact or happen and there is other type (type 2 of conditional sentence) sentence means what the subject desire can’t be fact or impossible to happen which is this has relation to subjunctive. This also mostly have same rules with the subjunctive. Therefore this one (type 2 conditional sentence) will be discussed in subjunctive also. For more detail, look below.
Type  II of Conditional Sentence
The type II of conditional sentence can be named unreal condition or contrary-to-fact in the present or future.
For instance:
1.      If he had a lot of money, he would travel round the world.
In fact, he doesn’t have a lot of money, because this contrary the fact therefore he can’t travelling around the world. (Suherman. Top Grammar. (Pare: CV Resonansi Ilmu, 2012), 375).

2.      Pattern:  If + Simple Past, Past Future. (Suherman. Top Grammar. (Pare: CV Resonansi Ilmu, 2012), 375).
For instance: 
If she worked the task erlier, she would not be late to assign it to the lecturer.
In fact, she doesn’t work worked the task earlier, so she is late to assign it to her lecturer.
For making this journal, we searched and collected the information from the books and internet. We collected two books that discussed about subjunctive: which one is Suherman. Top Grammar and Aswir Suhud, Smart Way to the Grammar. This journal is completed on Sunday, November 26th, 2016 at 16: 35 pm.
Result and Discussion
The result of our discussion is improving the quality of our knowledge about grammar in our focus to explain in detail the using of Subjunctive because there are many people especially students, they did not understand and confuse about how to Subjunctive.
Conclusion and Implication
From the discussion above it can be concluded that Subjunctive is assumption that it will not happened. Among the subjunctive and conditional sentences have the same and different things. The same between them is they have same sentences that discussed about thing that will not happened. The difference is in conditional sentences also has the sentence that discussed the thing that can be happen. Then, in subjunctive are all sentences about something that will not happen or contrary with the fact.
With understanding the subjunctive we can be easier to express something from our mind with the sentence.

         That is a brief discussion of subjunctive. may be useful. Thank you.

Suherman. (2012). Top Grammar. Yogyakarta. CV Pustaka Ilmu Grup Yogyakarta.
Suhud, Aswir. Smart Way to the Grammar. Jakarta. Dunia Cerdas.

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