Hello guys.... Talking about literature It is important to know about the literary world, here I will discuss a little about WHAT IT IS LITERATURE?? And why literature becomes an important lesson that we must know. Let's see the explanation.

If we want to analyze the understanding of literature are too many definitions, analysis or arguments that can arise. in the 5th century people have written works of literature that we can now call a man of letters. after I read the paper were distributed in two versions that I have that English and Indonesia According to my understanding is a collection of literary works or writings that have a element of beauty culture that is poured in the form of poetry, prose, plays and novels. Literature is also used as a grammar for talking about problems writing or meaning in a work or oral written. So there are many definitions of what actually understanding of literature. In overview of literary history books English in the period of ancient English century, the ancient English literature can be divided into two classes. Which belonged to the literary first is carried by the Germanic tribes of the country of origin in Europe and the old contingent only of verbal. Which included a second class is literature which was created after the tribes had settled in the islands English. Understanding of literature in every country to define different meanings there are various versions not only on one country alone but of English, Java / melayu, china, india, Dutch and Arabic.
The use of the word literature in a very broad sense there are also consequences for researchers of various nationalities interpret the word literature as the principal writing material and its contents as the nations of eastern literature as a handle that makes well-known because the works were produced. Literature is a language written for each work produced contents can convey a particular message can be encountered daily life as a political message satire against the government, the religious message and the loss of moral culture now other messages.
Literature can be found in the form of literature such as poetry, prose, novels, drama and literature to explore the meaning of an interesting thing to learn. literature has spawned some artists or writers which delivered the papers were outstanding as William Shakes pear with a work entitled Romeo Juliet and now various versions exist. Literature has been known since the first century until now remained a rapidly growing literature described in the paper has a variety of literary history is different. in its history explains English language classes and Latin studied in various universities that have special class writing and have the ability to speak. experts say "the literature on evaluation immense" in which the author of the novel poet and created a lot of real paper with writing as literature is something special besides that there are also said literature like a weed because it is too difficult to make sense of what the actual literature.
The literary work appeared because ideas or imagination that is created naturally from the author himself later put it into written form or verbally but not so easy because each sentence or word that is used in literature contains a different meaning in its delivery. I think literature has its own beauty in each of his works such as poetry can we distinguish meaning in every piece of poetry is the feeling of the author when writing poetry sad, happy or mediocre, and when reading the works of mentioned we can distinguish the characters via mimic the reader. Literary works come in all shapes and sizes, mostly I am still confused if it finds a work with another work if the work is literature or not. Literary sense still makes me curious.
Literature can also conclude an event textual or speech acts that could appear particular concern among the public is in contrast to the type of speech acts, such as conveying information, questions or to make an appointment. Most readers can find a literature in bookstores, libraries or literary magazine. Characteristic as foregrounding or literature, language integration is also included in literary fiction, literature can be seen from the viewpoint or aesthetic object. View of literature as an aesthetic object associated with a particular subject of the author's ideas. Literature is a practice where the author trying to advance or renew literature because literature related to his own way to process the taste and pour into a form that is acceptable work in the community and its contents. Because literature can influence someone through the content or the message.
Literature has become a cultural activity which is sometimes referred to as the cultural capital. Because literature is an institution that lives by exposing and criticizing his own limits, to examine what happened. Relevant methods in literature critics may dismiss methods that neglect the most basic aspects and distinctive in literature. I think literature is a field of science which, when examined benefit outstanding. I am still difficult to define what exactly the literature. Because the paper is given the understanding of literature is not clear just an identifier of the literature only. in brief, the literary works that form of writing that appear because their imagination or experience of the author who poured into the forms of writing such as poetry, prose, drama and the novel that became a literary work. but based on the results of this summary I conclude literature is a field of study that form of writing, who has a special meaning and manner of delivery is different, it can convey anything related to political critic or object aesthetics of a culture that is poured in the form of literature whose work is not just work very easy to disappear ears to the reader but acceptable and survive long enough among the public at large.

So explanation of the meaning of literature and its benefits Thank you also for the visit in this blog hopefully exposure about the meaning of this literature is useful for us all.

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